Restoration work on tall grass wetlands, habitats suitable for European mink, began in the Charente in August 2021. The municipality of Marsac wished to commit itself to the conservation of the most endangered small carnivore in Europe.
DEfforts to improve the habitat of the European mink
The commune of Marsac is committed to the conservation of the European mink through the signature of an agreement to restore habitats favorable to the species. Two communal plots have just been restored to recreate wetlands. The work, financed by the LIFE VISON program, consisted in digging depressions and creating pools in the lowest points.
The objective is to transform these former agricultural plots into wet meadows with tall grasses, rare habitats sheltering an abundant fauna and flora. These environments are very appreciated by the European mink because they find a real reserve of food and can hunt their prey in the shelter of the dense vegetation or rest during the day.
The attractiveness of the environment is reinforced by the creation of ponds in which a whole range of species such as dragonflies, toads, frogs etc. will settle.

© Antoine Meunier / LPO / LIFE VISON
Vegetation in the process of settling…please be patient
Once the work is finished, the vision of the bare ground and the excavated areas can challenge or even sadden the walker. However, be reassured, this lunar landscape is very temporary. A little patience… The winter floods will act, filling in the depressions and ponds. In spring, the vegetation will wake up. Soon, the marsacois will see a beautiful mosaic of habitats develop before their eyes and a 5 star accommodation for the biodiversity!
For example, the photos below illustrate well the evolution of the environment after the creation of a pond (work carried out by the LPO outside the LIFE VISON program in the framework of a Natura 2000 contract).
The LIFE VISON program plans the creation of 20 hectares of these tall-grass wetlands (called megaphorbia, magnocariçaies and cladia). Similar work is underway in the Charente river basin with volunteer landowners who have signed an agreement with the LPO.
COORDINATRICE DU PROJET LIFE VISON Ingrid Marchand, TÉLÉPHONE : +33 5 46 82 12 45 ADRESSE : LPO – Les Fonderies Royales, 8-10 rue du Docteur Pujos – CS 90263 – 17305 Rochefort