APRIL 2018

In early March, six rare European minks were equipped with a microchip in the Rochefort marshes.

A conservation programme for the European mink, a critically endangered species

The LIFE VISON programme began in September 2017 with the aim of ending the threats endangering the European mink. This 5 year programme is mainly supported by the European Commission and takes place in 8 Natura 2000 sites in the Charente catchment. It is a priority area since no American mink population is established there.

Trapping sessions, an essential tool to monitor rare populations

Trapping sessions enable the collection of data about European mink such as its home range, its breeding period, the suitable habitats… This data is then used to implement relevant and efficient conservation actions such as natural habitat restoration or implementation of wildlife crossings for semi aquatic mammals.
The first trapping session in March was promising since 4 females and 2 males were captured in 10 days! Our field team equipped them with a microchip before releasing them.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iykjTpd9pVE?rel=0&w=560&h=315]


LIFE VISON Project Coordinator
Ingrid Marchand
PHONE: +33 5 46 82 12 45
ADRESS: LPO – Les Fonderies Royales, 8-10 rue du Docteur Pujos – CS 90263 – 17305 Rochefort