First births in captivity in France
On July 10, 2019, two females and two males European mink were born in the Zoodyssée breeding center. At their first weighing on July 29, the four babies weighed between 63 and 91 grams. This event, a great first in France, represents great hope for the future of this species.

European mink examined by the Zoodyssée veterinarian (© Zoodyssée / Conseil Départemental des Deux-Sèvres)
The breeding center at the heart of the actions of the National Intermediate Action Plan
In 2014 a National Intermediate Action Plan was launched, coordinated by DREAL Nouvelle-Aquitaine in partnership with ONCFS and Cistude Nature, whose efforts focus on 3 main actions: updating knowledge on the distribution of European Minks, fighting against the American Mink and the implementation of a European mink conservation farm.
This farm was set up in Zoodyssée, property of the Department of Deux-Sèvres, with the long-term objective of reintroducing individuals born in captivity into the natural environment in order to reinforce European mink populations on French territory.

European mink born in Zoodyssée on July 10, 2019 (© Zoodyssée / Conseil Départemental des Deux-Sèvres)