JULY 2020
Two local authorities have joined forces with the teams of the European LIFE VISON program to work towards the preservation of the European mink, associated species and their habitats.
Towards the joint development of simplified management plans…
One of the major objectives of the LIFE VISON program is to restore habitats and continuitiesfavorable to European Mink and associated species of community interest (European Otter, etc.). In this perspective, it is proposed to the voluntary communities, to benefit from advice allowing them to set up conservation and restoration actions integrating local issues (ecological, socio-economic, etc.).
It is within this context that the communes of Mouthiers-sur-Boëme and Chaniers, concerned about the ecological stakes existing on the territory, signed an agreement with the LPO following the deliberation of the municipal councils. Having at heart the preservation of their natural and cultural heritage, these two municipalities, respectively located in Charente and Charente-Maritime, wish to reconcile the conservation of biodiversity and human activities.
Thus, in association with the LPO, they are initiating an innovative environmental approach, based on local synergies, the first step of the joint elaboration of simplified management plans on the communal plots. Once these management documents have been drawn up, they will benefit, in particular, from support and financial assistance in the implementation of some of the recommended operations on the agreed plots.

Parcelle communale de Mouthiers-sur-Boëme © S.Fagart /LPO/ LIFE VISON
Discovering the ecological richness of the territory…
Currently, fauna and flora inventories are being carried out by the naturalist experts of the LPO. The objective? To establish an initial diagnosis of the biodiversity present on the municipal plots of land under agreement. This will contribute, in particular, to identify the conservation stakes and to recommend management measures in adequacy with the ecological requirements of the European mink and the associated species. In addition, thanks to these assessments, the municipalities involved will have a more in-depth knowledge of the diversity of flora and fauna on their plots.
By adopting this approach, these pioneering communities offer users the opportunity to rediscover their local heritage and to marvel at the beauty of the ecological richness of the Charente River and its tributaries. Let’s hope that the mobilization of the communities, the users and the actors of the territory will allow the European mink to travel more easily along the valley!/p>

Inventaire faunistique sur une parcelle de la commune de Chaniers
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Feel free to contact us ! We’ll be pleased to awnser your questions !
COORDINATRICE DU PROJET LIFE VISON Ingrid Marchand, TÉLÉPHONE : +33 5 46 82 12 45 ADRESSE : LPO – Les Fonderies Royales, 8-10 rue du Docteur Pujos – CS 90263 – 17305 Rochefort